I have decided that children's birthday parties are way too stressful for the mommies involved! The party preparation was ridiculous, and I know I spent way more money than I should have. We had goldfish for centerpieces, and Braeden wore a Halloween costume for goodness sakes! I felt like I was planning my wedding again...not a 1 year old's birthday party. But seriously...you turn one only once (an argument I will surely make for each one of my babies birthday celebrations) so I needed to go above and beyond.
For the last couple of months, I have been planning, Braeden's Pirate Party (a theme daddy picked out when he was about 2 days old!)...I think all the planning was worth it as the party was a success! Family and friends came and celebrated at Powder Mills Park (what a risk having a March party at a park lodge...but it actually was a sunny and mild day!) with us from 1-4pm. There was lots of yummy food to eat (my pita platter was a hit...and Chris scoffed at the idea of having pitas and pizza!) and an overabundant amount of gifts for Braeden to "open" (ie, caress while mommy or daddy did the actual unwrapping). The "cake demolition" was great until Braeden managed to shove a handful of frosting up my nose causing me to inhale some....all I need...aspiration pneumonia!
I have a ton of pictures that I need to go through, but I will be sure to post them when I get around to it...give me time, I need to recuperate from all this party hoopla!
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