Friday, July 10, 2009

Spray Park

I had been worrying that it was time to start consider building an ark....but alas God gave us a break from all the rain today! And even better, it was around 85 degrees and sunny.

Despite the chaos that I imagined would ensue, I decided to take Braeden to his first spray park (which I did not know even existed around here until yesterday...I was about to venture out to Geneva until I had the foresight to google "spray parks in Rochester"!).

We actually ended up going to two different spray parks. First, I made the mistake of going by myself with both a very crowded one on the "West side".....with an even more impressive playground that included barkchips that held B's attention much better.

After an hour of chasing after B and maneuvering my Graco travel system on various terrains it is not made for, we took a much needed lunch break. Afterwards, I picked up Aunt Sarah (my sister in law) to accompany us to another "East side" spray park that was just as cute but half as crowded with no ostentatious playgrounds and barkchips to distract my future ADHD diagnosed child (I am convinced I will have to make the decision whether or not to put him on Ritalin...but I digress).

Here is an excessive amount of pics from today....including some I had fun editing on

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