I decided to use Walmart online because:
A. Their prices are almost always much cheaper.
B. Our local Babies R Us never had the Contours Options Double Stroller in stock, and the waiting list was crazy long.
C. If we ordered from other stores, the shipping costs would be crazy high.
The drawbacks:
A. It takes a little longer for the products to arrive than if I chose to have them shipped to my house.
B. I will have to deal with the Walmart workers when I go to pick up the items. In my experience, their employees have been less than friendly or helpful. In order to avoid this, I decided to ship to the regular Walmart and not the SuperWalmart in the city since the smaller ones tend to have nicer employees.
And because no post is ever complete without a picture....Here is what I am expecting to arrive between July 17 and July 24:

I decided to get the Graco Sweatpeace Swing because Braeden torments Ashlyn when she is in her bouncer chair or travel swing. Plus, she is a cuddler so she will love how cozy this is when we aren't able to hold her.
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