Today I had my 24 week appointment with Midwife Becky. Weight, BP, fundal height, doppler check. Everything was great....uterus measures 25 cm and heart beat was loud and clear. Although today the doppler made Braeden cry!
Becky looked up the results of my CMV screen....negative (which is a good thing!). She also reviewed the results of the last ultrasound we had. Dr. M (the perinatologist) is apparently recommending getting a Fetal MRI. At our first visit, he told us that the Fetal MRIs rarely offer more information than the high tech ultrasounds can. However in his note, he did write that about 10% do in fact reveal new findings. So it looks like we will be scheduling a Fetal MRI between 30-34 weeks.
We discussed the possible need for a c-section depending on what subsequent ultrasounds show. If we do go with a c-section, they will aim for June 1st (39 weeks) as long as there is no reason to deliver any earlier. Ugh....I do NOT want a c-section! But obviously if it is the best interest of my little one, I am all for it. June 1st sounds like a wonderful delivery date to me....I plan on taking the full 12 weeks FMLA entitles me to so that would put my day to return to work at Sept. 1st. Almost the entire summer off!
Also of note: Today is 24 weeks, which is considered the point of "viability" in which a fetus is thought to be able to survive if delivered today...albiet with lots of intensive care and complications. Only 16 weeks to go....4 months seems like a long way away and yet so soon too.
Other non-baby news.....We are getting a new roof in the next couple of weeks. We met with Quality Homes of Rochester, and it looks like we will be having them do the job. Ahhhh, the perks of being a grown-up homeowner....We now look forward to getting new doors and roofs and insulation. Yuck.....I would much rather spend the money on a vacation or boat or something really fun and exciting.